Falkenblog: Bob Haugen RIP
Falkenblog: Bob Haugen RIP: Bob Haugen passed away last Sunday. My favorite Haugen articles are really two. In Commonalities in the Determinants of Expected Stock ...
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Falkenblog: Bob Haugen RIP: Bob Haugen passed away last Sunday. My favorite Haugen articles are really two. In Commonalities in the Determinants of Expected Stock ...
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
2:03 PM
Modern technology has opened up avenues of information and transportation that allow people to choose where they live.
This choice causes nations to compete with each other for valuable citizens. Israeli officials have publisized that part of their calculations in setting tax rates is ensuring that tax rates are low enough to be competitive.
This is good news for citizens: the competition on price will ensure that governments are run efficiently.
However, governments could form a cartel to fix prices and cooperate instead of compete. I suspect that the UN may become the ultimate government cartel. What enables that is that representatives to the UN are selected by governments, not individuals. Thereore, the UN serves government interests, and where those interests diverge from the interests of citizens, expext the UN to protect governments.
In this capacity, the UN serves as a way for smaller, less powerful nations to band together to protect themselves from their citizens.
I expect that in the future, the nations most active in the UN will be those with the most to gain: oppressive dictatorships.
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
5:39 AM
The challenge that global capitalism comes with is this. A government can ensure that its citizens enjoy the opportunity necessary to challenge and replace existing leaders and wealthy in its own borders. However, there is no global authority granting opportunity to all. Hence, once a private corporation reaches a size on a global scale that it can then use to garantee the continuation of its power (such as AIG), governments fail to provide the necessary degree of opportunity to others. This leaves large corporations without the challenge needed to keep them on their toes.
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
4:14 AM
Implied volitility is typically greater than historical volitility. Why is that?
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
1:44 AM
Minimum wage is price fixing. This price fixing hurts the American ecomony by preventing the meeting of supply to demand.
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
3:53 AM
The problem with google style cloud computing is the lack of privacy.
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
12:19 PM
Here is an idea for a combined solution to global warming, fresh water and transportation.
Posted by
Fish Goldstein
12:16 PM